走進聯合國,用不同的角度看世界 ── Ann Yoon-Cho (南韓)
Ann Yoon-Cho, 畢業於延世大學,現任於聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)南韓委員會。
例如,我們曾對南韓兒童娛樂和休閒的權利進行了研究(收錄於兒童權利公約的第三十一篇)。基於研究結果,我們提出了多面向的方法來提高人們對於兒童適當娛樂方面的意識,從而促進更多兒童擁有娛樂的權利。這些工作的要旨都是 「宣導」。
Q1. What was your favorite courses in undergraduate?
There were three courses that left a huge impact on my life in my college years.
1)Educational Psychology: This was my favorite course because it gave me the insight to understand human’s cognitive development from the perspective of education and psychology. I always thought that the fundamental (although takes longer time, steadier) solutions to the betterment of individuals as well as the community as a whole can come from education and enlightenment. For me who had this belief, it was very interesting to learn about different teaching tactics based on many psychologists’ theories on human motivation and stages of development.
2)Law and Business in Korea: The second course I want to mention as my favorite is this one. The reason why this course was interesting is because it introduced me to the corporate world in the legal perspective. I got to learn about the requirements of a legible contract and many actual court cases between corporate bodies. It made me realize the importance of having sound legal bases for any kind of work to live in the capitalist country in the 21st century.
3)Special Topics in Visual Culture in the Context of Globalization: This is the last course I want to share. As noticeable from reasons why I chose the previous two courses, I like courses that provide me with a ‘different lens’ to view and make sense of the world. This third course is right on-spot in that regard. I loved training myself with various theories to critique literature, popular culture, artworks and films on my own. It changed my general attitude towards visual and literary inputs from passively taking in without question to more actively engaging and finding hidden nuisance hinted at.
Q2. What’s your profession in job? Please tell us more about Korean committee for UNICEF.
My job at Korean Committee for UNICEF is to support Child Rights Division to make sure children’s rights stipulated in the Convention on the Rights of Child(CRC) are respected and promoted in Korea. We do this through monitoring the government policies and voicing out for better policy measures in collaboration with other non-profit organizations. Also, we run a research with professionals on the areas that require special attention and based on the research outcome, plan and execute campaigns to improve the problematic situation. For example, we conducted a research on children’s rights to play and leisure in Korea (31st article of CRC) and based on the research result, are carrying out various methods to raise awareness about the proper method of playing and facilitating more children to play. All of these works are referred to as ‘advocacy.’ Korean Committee for UNICEF has three-pillar objectives: fundraising, communication and advocacy. What I am responsible for(advocacy) is growing to be a more important part of national committee’s duties to support UNICEF’s vision to work for every child’s rights.
Q3. Any special happened in work you would like to share with us?
I would like to share my experiences working with the borough office and social activists that were interested in improving children’s rights to play. While working with them to distribute and promote UNICEF-designed play box, I was impressed with their passion shown from their tireless aspiration for their ideals and distress shown when their ideals do not match with reality. UNICEF-designed play box was filled with numerous play objects that children can play in ‘multiple ways’ because play objects should ‘ideally’ be not forcing children into playing only a ‘certain way’ but rather open up many possibilities for creative plays. The government people and social activists gathered together in their mutual interest to raise the chances to play in the community and UNICEF-designed play box was the medium. I was excited to see with my own eyes that there were so many people out in the community eager to devote their time to promote a social cause and the dynamics between the government, individuals and NGO to work for a public benefit. Because I was interested in ‘designing communication’ in the community to solve public problems, I felt that this experience was a perfect one to witness the real-life example of my personal interest.
Q4. Is there strong correlation between your job and majors? Is it a primary consideration as you doing job-hunting?
People do say that there is a high correlation between my job and my major which is international relations and political science and I agree so. I believe that learning about the global governance of many international institutions and the inter-state dynamics have given me great insight about the character of UN organizations. This helps me a lot to envision the bigger workings or the vision of UNICEF while working on practical matters on a daily basis. I feel lucky to have taken several courses on international law as well since what I am doing is critically based on various international agreements. The primary consideration in my job-hunting was whether I would be able to do it for a long time and what I am doing is a meaningful addition to the world, even if it is a tiny one. Based upon these two considerations, I felt like UNICEF was an ideal workplace for me and I enjoy every aspect of it because I can feel a great connection between what I am doing now and what I want to do to make world a better place in the future.
Q5. Visions of life before 35?
This is a very difficult question. Things are changing so fast and what I envision my life to be at 35 is likely to be very different from what really happens. I hope that by the age of 35, I have my own area of specialty (hope it could be design or policy). Relationship-wise, I hope I have a dozen I can count on when I need advice and a dozen who count on me for advice. I want to be someone that can be reliable and faithful. I want to lead a life with a well-balance of professional career and volunteering. To add a minor detail to my life, I hope I could have gained cooking or baking skills by then so I can invite over close friends of mine and treat them with great afternoon meal party.