鼓舞,啟發我的探險勇氣 ── 呂嘉雯 Venus Loi (中國澳門)
居住澳門的呂嘉雯(Venus Loi),畢業於英國杜倫大學(Durham University),主修經濟,目前在Uber澳門分部擔任管理培訓生(Management Trainee, MT)。Venus曾在就讀杜倫大學時擔任TEDxDurhamUniversity的策展人,也曾在TEDxYouth@Bath大會上擔任記者。
我用了大約四個月來找尋工作,而這個工作(指MT at Uber Macau)從申請到確認錄取花了二到三週左右。我需要進行線上測試以及面對面的訪談。
What made you choose to study in Durham University and the department?
I can see myself living the this pretty little small town during my first visit. It was a gloomy day but the energetic vibes from the student assistance at that time managed had shed a light to this University. I love the vibe and the opportunities in Durham as well as the collegiate system. That's why I have chosen this University with no doubt.
As for my major, I have always been fond of Economics and it's theories which helps to analyse big and small decisions. It may sound a bit complicated at times, but those theories stick at the back of my head when I think. Since I am also an advocate for better city life, studying economics helps me to think critically.
How long did you spend before acquiring current job? Did you experience many interviews during this period (for others or Uber Macau)?
Well, I have been searching for jobs for about 4 months, but this job takes around 2-3 weeks from application to confirmation. I had to take an online test as well as a face-to-face interview.
Why did you choose to join department of marketing in Uber Macau?
When I was job hunting, I knew clearly that I want to work in the private sector whilst it is something related to the city's development. I had great curiosity in how a city functions and that's why I have also taken up a summer job previously in the Macau Waste Water Treatment Plant. Slowly I found that I am quite interested in the movement of people too as it determines how a city should be build (or vice versa).
I actually applied for the Management Trainee (MT) position but was given the role in Marketing and Partnership sector because of my previous experience and strength. I like working with people and connecting them with ideas.
Uber faces bans or tremendous fine in many countries. What’s situation in Macau?
There is currently no law to regulate Uber in Macau as far as I know. (I am probably not the best person to speak on behalf of Uber so please don't quote me :P )
Visions in life before 35?
I wish I could be doing something I enjoy, while helping the city to become a better place to live in. Probably still maintaining my current hobbies on photography, travelling and rowing too!
Which do you consider more important for college students, class performance or extracurricular activities? How did you get the balance between them?
I should probably say both are important, but I’d personally prefer to spend more time on extracurricular activities as my strengths are mainly developed through those activities. Abilities such as photography, communication, leadership, team-working, etc. are best developed through real life experience.
In addition to the knowledge learning from text books, how can college students prepare themselves in advance to connect the society?
Haha surely through volunteering at a TEDx conference! No jokes it helped me so much with gaining experiences in work. I’ve also got to meet many cool people who gave me cool ideas! Besides this, I think college students can also get prepared by travelling more and see more about how different people live.
What are the relative advantages of studying aboard? What’s the different between colleges in China and England?(studying atmosphere, the way of teaching, etc)
I haven’t actually studied in colleges in China, but by comparing my high school in Macau between the one in England, one of the most obvious observation is definitely how encouraging teachers were in the UK. In Macau, I had repeated class in primary school due to my English ability, I felt like a failure at that time. People around me didn’t show a lot of support, they tend to say bad things to me and hope that it will encourage me to do better. It may or may not have worked, but it was not a good memory. I’d much rather prefer a more encouraging and supportive study environment which helps me to keep calm and think clearly what I should be doing to make the situation better.
What are the current situation of 20s in Macau?
Hmm… I guess most of us at this age are quite comfortable in terms of living. Many people live in similar routines in Macau, we work in offices or hotels or resorts during weekdays, meet friends over the weekends. We are not at the most unfortunately place in the world, but also not the best place. It might be true that we are quite lucky to be able to get almost anything we want here, but at the same time I feel like we should be more prepared in case life won’t remain this stable forever.
TEDx Could you share more experience of being the Curator for TEDxDurhamUniversity and a Reporter at TEDxYouth@Bath? What did you learn or gain during the period in TEDx?
I really enjoy being part of the TEDx family. One thing strikes me the most from joining the first TEDx event is that nothing in impossible if I truly want it! It taught me that I can paint a picture just like I imagined, I can build a community just as I wish, I can plan my own future just as I wanted it to be. It taught me not to just blame at the current situation but instead find a way to work around it. There were many difficulties when it comes to organising a TEDx conference. However, a good team is what keeps me going and going strong!
Do you have any words want to tell to teenagers in Macau?
To dream bigger – the world is your oyster!