如果你有夢,就要讓夢成真。離鄉背井的研究之路 ── Murilo Vicentin da Silva (巴西)
現居巴黎的Murilo Vicentin da Silva (穆里羅),目前就讀國際關係法博士。分享了他在巴黎留學的生活與收穫,以及對未來的夢想。
1.) 大學也是主修國際關係法嗎?
2.) 為何選擇現在的學校攻讀博士呢?你什麼時候發現自己對於國際關係抱有興趣?
3.) 現居法國巴黎,有沒有最喜歡的地方?
說到最愛去的地方,穆里羅第一個想到的是聖馬丁運河(Canal Saint-Martin),他形容那裡景致優美,時而有人前往休憩散步、喝杯咖啡。穆里羅還提到附近有一座巴黎最大的公園──肖蒙山丘公園(The Parc des Buttes-Chaumont),在廣大無邊的草原上,對面是一座顯著的峭壁於湖中佇立著,你可以坐在草地上享受眼前野生的自然景觀。
4.) 在巴黎生活的樣子?
5.) 家鄉與巴黎的差別?
6.) 巴西也有徵兵制?制度大約是怎麼樣的呢?
8.) 得知你對於巴西的龔固議題仍然充滿抱負。你最近有關注哪幾個議題嗎(除了博士研究外)?你對於這些事件的看法是?
9.) 你會如何形容自己?
10.) 請問你有偶像嗎?
11.) 最近你有遇到什麼樣的問題嗎?
埋首於系上的論文,以及穆里羅目前主要的工作──研究,讓他每天都得投入大量時間、閱讀資料和心力,更何況是要在期限內完成的研究。目前穆里羅正在準備教授指導的報告,也得在期限內完成。無處不在的報告讓他感到疲憊,因為要犧牲平常的社交生活和休閒周末。但穆里羅簡單一句「We move on!」,代表了他選擇了努力,因為他有一個夢,就是在法國工作。
12.) 請問你對未來有沒有一些想法?
13.) 你會如何給20幾歲的年輕人何種建議?
Murilo Vicentin da Silva, who is studying a PhD in Paris, France, shares his experience in Paris and expectations for the future.
1.) Is your major in college also International relations?
No, my major is Public International Law (PIL), which is different from International relations, given the fact the latter is more related to diplomacy areas or even to the activities of companies worldwide. Generally speaking, PIL studies the rights and obligations of States and non-State actors in the international scenario.
2.) What motivated you to choose current university for PhD study? When did you discover your own passion toward international relations?
Everything started with my desire to study in France.
I enjoy the French culture and lifestyle, so I feel it’s my home. Given this fact, I did my Master here in International and European Public Law. After completing this step, I decided to continue my studies and there comes my PhD. The university I’m enrolled in at offered me a 3-year PhD contract, after having gone through a tough selection, so I took it.
I discovered my interest in PIL after the end of my studies in Brazil. I have always thought about studying abroad or doing something internationally related, considering the fact I wondered about living in another country. So, I had to pick a field I could work no matter where. That is why PIL is my major.
3.) What’s your favorite place in Paris?
The first thing he came up is Canal Saint-Martin, where people visit and enjoy the nature scenes. Murilo also tell us a place nearby, The Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, the largest park in Paris. You can sit on the grassland across the steep cliff on the lake.
4.) What is it like to live in Paris?
I like the environment and the pace of life here.
Paris is a sophisticated place, wherever you go, you see its maturity and luxury. People in Paris are kind and outgoing. Murilo feels he can make more friends in Paris than in his homeland. You don’t feel bound to do anything here, they are open-minded. That’s why it feels like home to Murilo.
Regarding the terrorist attack, Brazil does not have similar events like Paris. However, Brazil experiences plenty of violence and crimes, being top 10 most dangerous cities. About his opinion on Paris, Murilo said we must stay positive. You show your fear, the terrorists win.
5.) The differences between your hometown and Paris?
Murilo was born in São Bernardo do Campo, but he actually grew up in Santo André. He thinks the biggest difference is architecture. He lives in a smaller house in Paris than in Santo André. Being one of the global cities, Paris is loaded with a variety of mansions and historical buildings. The second difference is the environment; the beauty of its buildings comes from ancient history, while Santo André’s buildings are new.
In terms of economy, too many people are unemployed, showing this member of BRICS is fading and more social problems spring up.
6.) Does Brazil imposes compulsory military service to men as Taiwan does? Please introduce to us the system.
When we are about to turn 18, we are supposed to present ourselves to the military offices next to our domicile. We go through a clinical selection in which the military choose the most adequate men for duty, in terms of physical abilities. It was the medical check-up. After this procedure, the army dismissed me from duty, given the fact that I have a little problem in my backbone.
With regard to the system, I think conscription should not be mandatory. Not everyone would like to serve the Army. Even though I respect very much this important institution, I feel I have no talent whatsoever with military activities.
7.) How do you think of the construction of Belo Monte Power Plant?
Analyzing the juridical consequences of the building of Belo Monte´s power plant in the Xingu River, Amazon, its completion is highly contested because of the many environmental and social problems created, in spite of the usage of modern technologies towards the minimization of the general impacts.
From an environmental point of view, there exists the questioning of its energetic efficiency given that its operation depends on the seasonal hydrous regime, which means recognize that the power plant environmental impacts seem to be disproportional regarding few benefits generated for the society. Moreover, the construction of the power station may lead to the drastic reduction of water supply in some specific places of the river and provoke an irreversible loss of local vegetal and animal species as well.
With regard to the treatment of the indigenous people that live there, it is possible that they will be affected by the establishment of this power plant. It is known that entire populations have been removed in order to allow the construction works, which implies a serious problem related to their cultural and physical integrity. In general, the reduction of lands and the expulsion of this population from the place of origin lead to the loss of its culture, which deserves a deep thought on the respect of human rights and minorities rights.
8.) You still concern development in hometown. Please introduce us the problem that Brazil are struggling for recently.
After thirteen years of a left-wing government, Brazil is facing one the worst economic crises of all times. We have now almost 14 million unemployed in our country. The economy is down in the dumps, even though there are little signs of recovery in the long term. Companies are restraining investments at this moment waiting for the best time to put their money in the market, so job creation is halted and many economy sectors are stagnated.
Brazil has a great growth potential, however we will achieve prosperity once corruption and money mismanagement are over. It is a great disease, which prevents Brazil from improving its social and economic standards.
9.) How would you describe yourself?
Murilo feels he had learnt a lot and became independent. He knew less about the world when in the homeland, now he decides to settle down in Paris for its society and culture. He also mentioned museum nights, opening for free at night or special events are held in some museums. This shows the importance of arts in Paris. Also other museums or galleries in other countries offer suggested donations as a reward for the public. People donate money based on their willingness and visit them.
To stay in France, Murilo often struggles with visa. A while ago his visa was about to expire, he had to apply for a new one. But Brazilian students’ visa is only three months. He has to apply for it frequently.
Some of Murilo’s friends work in Paris, although the jobs are not really great. It’s competitive in terms of getting employed when people in his age are also looking for a job. Murilo regards himself a lucky person because he pays less rent than other foreigners.
10.) Do you have a role model?
The way he overcomes and his persistence makes him a great man.
Winston Churchill, who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice and faced World War II when the domestic situation was down in the dumps. Before that he wasn’t selected to Parliament and people taunted him. With his tenacity, Churchill overcame the difficulties and won the war and last, his influence made him a great leader of in Britain. Murilo believes in Churchill’s perseverance that helps achieve his goal. If you give up, you lose.
“You have to make your dreams come true”, said Murilo, which is his life philosophy.
You will encounter those difficulties, but you will succeed if you stick to your dreams and have faith.
Churchill’s achievement embodies the spirit and attitude for a person to accomplish his goals, Murilo said.
About the episode The Crown, he thinks people can find out the other side of Churchill. Everyone has weakness, but we can do something to overcome it.
11.) What problem have you encountered recently?
Burning midnight oil may be a routine for Murilo when there are thesis and research to do. He has to spend a lot of time reading reports and finish his assignment in time. Tired of these reports letting he have no weekends and social life, he simply said, ”We move on!”, which shows his determination to achieve a goal, working in Paris.
12.) Vision for you future?
You must have faith and work hard to make your dreams come true.
Life is full of possibilities, but attitude is the key of our lives. What we can do is make it happen.
About the future career, Murilo hopes to be a professor or work in a governmental organization. And it will be terrific to join some global organizations.
13.) What kind of advice would you give to 20-year-old people?
We must pursue our goals, by pursuing our goals we must dream. Dream is essential.
To have a meaningful life, you must be ambitious. You must confront with your little faults. You must go on. To make our goals come true, we must work hard.
What matters to Murilo are confidence and hard work, which overcome the challenges and make dreams come true.