職涯雖然慢了點,卻更能體會世界 ── 磯部香里 Kaori Isobe (日本)
來自日本的磯部香里(Kaori Isobe,若按日本名字順序則為 Isobe Kaori),畢業於立命館大學(Ritsumeikan University)國際關係法學系,目前任職於大阪的藥品公司。在大學時期,香里曾擔任過2013年京都TEDxYouth 的組長之一,在大團體中擔任領導的角色雖困難,但也讓她了解到自己喜歡做的是與自己的能力,京都TEDxYouth的經驗,著實地改變了香里的人生!
我讀了Lynda Gratton撰寫的「The Future of Work Is Already Here」、日本知名企業家—稻盛和夫(Inamori Kazuo)的「働き方(Hatarakikata)」,以及「我們不是弱者 : 諾貝爾和平獎得主蕾嫚.葛博維的生命故事」等等不同類型的書。
我也花了些時間在學習英文上,我立下一些目標,如通過EIKEN (日本英語檢定協會)一級的測驗、TOEIC分數超過950分,而當然,我完成了!我通過了EIKEN一級,也在TOEIC得到970分!我想我的單字能力進步了,這也將在工作與日常生活中幫助我。
我想這個現在最近有漸漸改善了,根據厚生勞動省 (Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare) 的調查,2017年三月畢業的學生中,約有97.6% 的人在求職後至少得到一個工作邀約。近六年來,這個比率逐漸在升高。我認為其中一個原因可能是日本的孩童數量減少,而公司需要員工來代替退休人員。
Q9:你有曾經提到過對於很多20來歲的日本年輕女生而言,婚姻生活不乏被視為是一種「人生目標 (life goal)」,和我們聊聊這個吧。
我也有一些對於自己人生的想像,像是結婚及養育孩子,但我並不急於完成這些事,我非常想要成為一個能夠兼顧事業以及家庭的媽媽,如同 Facebook 營運長 Sheryl Sandberg 那樣。現在,我會把重心放在學習上面,讓自己的工作表現能夠更專業。
Q1. Time between you were recruited and you start to work took almost one year that as spared by the company. Is it a normality in japan? What have you done in that “blank”?
Yes, it’s very normal that Japanese students have that “blank” between the time they get offers and they actually start to work. But they start job-hunting a year before the graduation, so they are still students.
Japanese school year starts from April, and ends in March (i.e. This school year is April 2017 – March 2018). There are many students who have been on job-hunting right now and those will graduate from university / college in March 2019. I think they mostly get job offers during this April to July. So, after that, students can focus on whatever they want to do. Some of them finish writing thesis, some travel around, and some study hard to get enough credits to graduate.
In my case, I had already graduated from university at that time when I started job-hunting due to my knees’ situation. I didn’t need to worry about a thesis, nor credits. What I decided to do was to travel wherever I had wanted to visit for a long time, which happened to be Ireland, the UK, and the Philippines. So a few moths after I got the offer from my company, I started working as a part time at kids photo studio and cram school, and had worked for five consecutive months to earn money. Eventually, I visited four countries, the Philippines, the UK, Ireland and China (Shanghai).
Besides working and traveling, I spent my time reading books and watching movies, which is the best way to spend time! I love any kinds of movies besides horror. My favorite one is “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”, a German comedy from 1997.
Q2. The blank (between you were recruited and you started to work) is very different from Taiwan. Most of students in Taiwan will immediately start to work after they graduate from university. I would like to know in that blank did you make some preparations for new job besides traveling around the world?
I’m not sure it could be called “preparation” but I did read books and studied English besides earning money and traveling around.
I read books both business books and non-business books; ‘The Shift: The Future of Work Is Already Here’ by Lynda Gratton, 働き方(Hatarakikata) written by a well-known Japanese entrepreneur Kazuo Inamori, “Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War” by Leymah Gbowee (a Liberian peace activist), and “Without You, There is No Us: My Time with the Sons of North Korea’s Elite” by Suki Kim, etc.. lots kinds of books! ☺
I also spent time studying English. I set goals; passing The EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency Grade 1, and scoring more than 950 with TOEIC. And yes, I made it. I passed on EIKEN Grade-1, and TOEIC 970. I think my vocabulary got improved. And I believe it will help me during work and daily bases.
Q3. In connection between your specialty, i.e. what you majored in, and job a serious consideration for you? Did it affect how you chose current job?
No, there’s no relationship between my major and what my company does. I had once considered researching international law or human rights to save people who have struggles to have equalities, but realized laws and regulations are sometimes powerless. And I thought I wanted to do something more close to people, something that can understand what people need. So during my university era, I decided to work at private sector, not something related to law. I have never regretted that I chose to study law, and I think that will help me in the future in some way.
What made me think to work in health industry was my knees’ situation. During the rehabilitation, I had been depressed and lost confidence at all because I was not able to walk and have chance to talk with others, and I felt like I was behind in my life. After that experience, I noticed that there’s a strong relationship between mental and physical health, and I thought I wanted to make people more confident and grow self-esteem. In addition to this, I had wanted to study business first to understand how market works. One of the reasons why I chose my company as the first step of my career is that it has many kinds of products – eye drops to skin lotions – which means there are various approaches to what people need. The other reason is its employees. They are open-minded and passionate. I hope to make people happy and confidence through my work and products. My new life just began.
Q4. The type of your job was affected by your knee problems, did it also affected by the experience of NPO e-Education?
Yes, my experience of e-Education totally affected my career decision. As I mentioned before, I’d like to work for kids and women struggling with being confident or having difficulties to be independent in the future. The reason why I chose to work in health industry is mostly because of my knees’ problems. Though the reason why I decided to work for people struggling with being confident is based on my experience during e-Education. I met a lot of kids/students during the project, not only at classrooms, but also at streets in Manila. When I saw kids/people on streets or in poverty areas, they looked like they didn’t have self-esteem or confidence. I shouldn’t have judged by just seeing them, but I thought like “There’s something I can do. I want to make them smile and be confident.” Supplies and financial assistance may help them, but I want to support their mental aspects first. Without that, they can’t keep make living and being independent by themselves.
Q5. Now, your job has totally no relationship with your major. What do your parents think? Do they agree with your decision?
Yes, they agree with my decision. They let me do what I want to do, and support me all the time. I think it’s not rare that students in Japan get a job nothing related to their major in university.. I guess! My boss surprised knowing that my major is law though.
Q6. Did you meet the difficulty when you looked for a job? When you met the difficulty, did you feel depressed? And how did you adapt yourself?
Umm, both yes and no. Almost all companies want to hire students in university who will graduate the coming year. But during the time I started job-hunting, I already graduated and some companies did not allowed me to hand in resumes. I was little upset, but I just thought like “Well, the company doesn’t have flexibility..” That’s all. I just looked for companies which suit my personality and what I want to do with my career.
Q7. In Japan, do you think looking for a job is difficult for the youth?
I think the situation has gotten better recently. According to the survey of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 97.6% of students who did job-hunting and graduated from university/college in March 2017 got at least one offer from companies. The rate has been higher through the six years. I think one of the reasons of this situation is that the number of children has been decreased in Japan but companies need employees to replace those who retired.
Q8. Could you share your job experience with us?
I have been excited to learn new things every day, but I feel responsibility for being a part of my company at the same time. The training is a mix of fundamental and practical leanings, such as learning the structure of my company, details of each department and product, study of marketing and sales, and making mock proposals for both domestic and international market. There are another 25 trainees taking this training with me.
Well, I was just assigned to the purchasing/procurement a.k.a. manufacturing business department. What I will do is to buy materials for products and packaging, handing the manufacturing, searching materials for new products and so on.
Q9. You’ve mentioned matrimony is somewhat like a “life goal” for many 20s Japanese young women. Tell us more about it.
It used to be very common that marriage is a life goal for young girls in Japan. And yes, some of them still think the same way. For instance, my grandmother thinks that getting marriage is the best thing for girl’s life. She wants me to get married as soon as possible. One of my old friends wants to get married so that she won’t need to work ever after. But I think the situation has been changing recently because the number of girls who would like to work for a long time to pursue their dreams has been increased. For me, marriage is not my goal. It's one of the options to make my life happier.
Q10. Visions toward life before 35?
I think I will work for kids and women struggling with being confident or having difficulties to be independent in overseas. I’m not sure how and which sector I will be in –private, non-profit, public or something else, but this is what I want do in the future. For the first few years of my career, I will focus to learn business and markets, but I may will change my job or go back to study at the certain point.
I also have some thoughts for my life, such as getting marriage and having kinds. I'm not rushing though. I'd love to be a mom who pursue her career and support her family, like Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook.
For now, I focus on what I have to do and get skills and knowledge little by little so that I can work professionally.