走出伊拉克,把夢想放在世界彼端 ── Ahmed Loqman Yousify (伊拉克)
Ahmed Loqman Yousify,畢業於扎湖大學(University of Zakho),主修資訊科學,目前在該校擔任研究助理。專長是資訊處理、電腦視覺圖像、網頁程式設計、人工智慧和數位學習。
23, Bachelor of Science (Computer Science, University of Zakho), Assistant Researcher and Web Developer at The University of Zakho, Assistant Manager at Global English Institute – Zakho.
My major was Computer Science and some of my favorite courses in my undergraduate study were (Information Management, Computer Graphics and Vision, Web Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Visual C#, E-Learning).
I attended more conferences and workshops than I organized, but the ones I organized my roles were as the following: Media and Website Committee in the Second International Scientific Conference – UoZ, me along with my co-worker where updating the info on the Conference on its website like paper submission, activities, hotel registration and so on, I also helped in extracting the names of the authors for certifications, I made a PowerPoint slideshow that was presented during the whole conference in the background.
Organizer of a Workshop entitled “New Directions for Youth Leadership Development”, I helped them reach the delegates who were invited to the workshop, I helped them Print Certificates, I also helped them formalizing the Invitation Letter and make it available in both Kurdish along with the English one, and I lead a table of discussion during a day of the workshop.
Could you share your life background like family and belief? Do these factors affect your career choice?
We are five brother and a mother and a father, no sisters, I am the middle child, two of my brothers are married. We are Kurds, and our family’s belief is that we are Muslims and proud. Somehow it does affect my career choices but not in a small way.
My visions of life before turning into 35 is that God willing I will have a master’s degree, a wife and two kids, own a house, and last maybe I will become a motivational speaker and have more impact in this world.
There exist conflicts in your country. What do those crisis affect your life and study? How do you want to develop you career? Is Iraq a ideal place for you career plan or does the country have any potential?
The Conflicts in my country affects my life directly, for example:
After the Fight against the Terrorist group ISIS and the Economic Crisis in Kurdistan, I as an employee get only 55% of my salary each month and most of the employees get the same amount with a little difference.
For me personally I want to study my master’s degree abroad because the projects that I want to make are not well recognized in this area, but I cannot afford my study abroad in this situation.
Just because of Being an Iraqi citizen, it closes a lot of good opportunities for us from around the world.
For example, if you apply to a visa to just visit Europe or to America, they will judge you based on your location, they ask detailed questions, you fill a lot of forms, and you are most likely to get a refusal. So if you cannot
travel easily to different parts of the world, you are not getting most of what is in this world.
You can develop a career, but that career mostly will be the thing that you will get stuck to it for the rest of your life. Iraq might be an average place for my career plans but definitely not an ideal one, first because it is still a developing country and from time to time you see a crisis, in Kurdistan-Iraq the place where I live we have an economic crisis, so this matter for sure affects my career plans.
In the future, I guess the crisis will no longer exist, but then I might not be in my 20s anymore!
What is education situation in Iraq now? Is it affect severely by crisis?
Bad, the education situation is bad in Iraq. In Kurdistan when they started to cut off our salaries to around half and saying that they will pay us later, some of the teachers decided to protest this new rule. So, the schools started their academic year later than usual. And other than that, some families do not have money to provide food or a shelter for their kids, this also affects the way the think and the way they get education. Most families are watching T.V and news channels, and if most of the times they talk about the crisis the atmosphere will not be bright and colourful. The ministry of Education tries different techniques every ear, but you should stay on a certain thing and wait until you see the outcome because it is a process and it cannot be shown in one year.
Due to the ISIS thing, there is a sad truth that, some people started to raise fear towards people who came from Middle East, especially the Muslim. If it is possible, would you give any comment on this issue, or to clarify the misunderstand?
This is important, we are all humans, and we are all living on the same earth. The thing is each person is born in a different area around this earth. When people from Middle east immigrate to other countries, they are most likely not doing that because they want to but because they need to. They are facing hard times in their local regions and countries and most of those countries are at war. And for the second part, Muslims are also humans, when the immigration starts they all go together in that journey, there is no difference between a Muslim, a Christian and an Ezidi or a jew. You cannot judge an entire religion or an ethnic group based on actions of individuals. ISIS is a terrorist group that their true goal is to destroy civilization and make wars between nations and to abuse Islam’s sacred name.
The spirit of our project is youth’s future, but youth is also future of a country. Iraq has experienced such a hard circumstance. What do Iraqi young people, as you heard so far, bear toward your future? Do you have plans or motivation to go over this hard time? What do you want to say to the young people in your country?
Indeed, Youth is the Future. Here our youth at this current moment try to develop themselves, they try to learn new skills, they complain about the system and the situation and circumstances, but they also try to be the best they can be when they have power. As for my plans, I do have plans, I myself try to motivate people to not giving up on their dreams, to continue their studies because in my point of view education will make people speak for themselves. I will try to do my best to gain new experiences by going into workshops, conferences and seminars and then implement those gained knowledge into real life and help myself, my family and my country.
Stay Educated, do not lose hope, try your best, don’t quit after one or two or three failures – keep moving forward and keep tying until you get what you want. Be great and leave a footprint in this world.